Red Deer Community Housing and Homelessness 5-Year Integrated Plan

City of Red Deer

Continuously assessing our community's response to housing and homelessness needs is crucial. The Community Housing & Homelessness Integrated Plan is a testament to this, encapsulating a decade of research and action, enriched with input from over 2,700 community voices.

An integral phase in developing this Plan involved reflective analysis of the community's past experiences, the current housing situation, and projections of future needs. The aim is to spark a renewed sense of commitment, energy, creativity, and hope, driving forward the Plan's implementation.

Key values emerged from the voices engaged throughout the Plan's development, setting the foundation for our future approach:

  1. Action, Not Talk: Emphasizing practical steps over mere discussion.
  2. Person-centered, Not Program-Centred: Focusing on individual needs rather than rigid program structures.
  3. Truth and Reconciliation, Not Denial: Acknowledging and addressing past and ongoing issues.
  4. Systems Change, Not One-Offs: Seeking comprehensive, long-term solutions rather than temporary fixes.
  5. Root Causes, Not Just Symptoms: Tackling the underlying issues instead of only addressing the surface problems.
  6. Long-Game, Not Just Quick Wins: Prioritizing lasting impact over immediate, fleeting successes.
  7. Together, Not Divided: Promoting unity and collaboration in addressing these challenges.

Our platform enhances this approach by providing Social Impact Audits. These audits offer vital insights into service duplication or gaps, user trends, feedback, demand, and funding sources within the community. Utilizing these analytics allows for an agile, data-driven strategy in integrated systems planning.

A preliminary Social Impact Audit in Red Deer included a financial analysis of current homelessness, mental health, and addiction investments at the program-delivery level. This analysis is instrumental in assessing the optimal allocation of provincial resources, reinforcing effective programs, and identifying underutilized or redundant initiatives.

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